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A poem that a friend sent me a while ago.

Tagged as po­etry

In which Alan’s op­ti­mism is unas­sail­able.

In which I am not on an air­plane.

In which there is danc­ing.

In which I am sub­ject to one of my oc­ca­sional bouts of bak­ing.

Tagged as recipe

In which I need to blow my nose.

An affin­ity be­tween Spinoza and Aristotle.

In which it is 1:30 in the morn­ing.

In which Fr. Curran gives a very fine and ed­i­fy­ing ser­mon.

In which I scheme up a scheme.

Tagged as recipe

In which I am sit­ting be­side Jack Mitchell.

Tagged as shorty

In which I am bored.

Tagged as shorty

In which chil­dren en­deav­our to sort out my life plans.

In which I space out.