Sunday morn­ing at the Chapel

Fr. C—s ser­mon this morn­ing was even more scat­tered and apolo­getic than usual—he was go­ing to talk about Machi­avelli, but he made the mis­take, he told us, of telling this to the barista as he was get­ting his cof­fee that morn­ing, who said some­thing that made Fr. C— sec­ond-guess him­self; and, per usual, his ser­mon ended up a much more ram­bling and amus­ing crea­ture than he had in­tended. It’s almost a shame, these things al­ways seem to hap­pen to him just at the last minute—he’s spent days prepar­ing some­thing ad­mirably co­gent and in­sight­ful, and then dis­as­ter strikes!