I’m booked!

Alan has booked a flight to Winnipeg for June 27! As it hap­pens, this is the first flight in his life he’s booked for him­self — struck me as re­mark­able. I guess in the past his dad had al­ways done it for him—I can’t imag­ine be­cause he was­n’t ca­pa­ble of book­ing a flight him­self or was daunted by the thought or some­thing, but just as a sort of favour, a nice thing a fa­ther might do for a son.—Like land­ing his son a job at a web de­vel­op­ment firm!—Yes, I gather next year he wants to se­cure his own em­ploy­ment. He was say­ing he was ac­tu­ally daunted by the thought of ap­ply­ing for jobs, re­sumes, in­ter­views, etc., so do­ing all that in­de­pen­dently would be even more a point of pride for him.